在 Notting Hill 這個既是遊客區又是高尚住宅區的昂貴地段,竟然讓我找到只售3.5英鎊的戲票!
港幣 40 元看一場電影,現在在香港也不容易找到吧...
Coronet Cinema 是一間很舊的戲院,嚴格來說是一間加了個屏幕的劇院。這裡逢星期二是優惠日,每票只售3.5英鎊。
不要以為戲院不在市中心 (不太正中但也在 Zone 1 內) 就一定買到票,我來的這天下午 6 時和 8 時 45 分都滿座,相信還有更多人失望而回。
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
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Hi Kay, sorry to ask some help thru this post.. actually, i have a similar plan as you next year but have no idea how to start from here. I'm a HK local gal as well and never lived aboard. I love UK so wanna give a try to travel around plus find a job there so I can stay longer to experience. I'm so frustrated about the working visa (cause I'm over 30's, can get working visa anymore), house searching, etc. I can speak english but of course not native...anyway, seems i got dozen questions but don't know start from where. Hope to hear from you ..
普遍都係不設劃位, 但近年我發現好多大型連鎖戲院加左項VIP劃位, 大概有置中位置3-4行 + 換左豪華D大張D既CHAIRS = 貴1-2鎊, 但D英國人都係照亂錯一通, 好少人特登俾多多1-2鎊坐VIP...XD
If your over 30, you really have to get a job there which your employer is willing to sponsor your visa. To be honest its pretty hard and seems impossible to just go there and find one.
I would suggest you to find a job in HK which you will have a chance to be transfer to the UK headquarter / subsidiary. Or you go study there and got an internship there. Or you marry a British / European.
If you want to work in the UK, everyday things come second, you have to sort out your visa / or at least you know which one you should or can go for first.
Social Psychology,
我初去倫敦時都時常見到不設劃位 / 即使有劃位但都沒人跟著坐的情況,但後來可能去的都是差不多 full house 的戲院或場次,大家都只可以乖乖的照劃位位置坐,可能是習慣了香港這裡的模式,我覺得這樣比較好呢!
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